argument9_watertemperature_additional_informationArgument1_KeinFeingefühlArgument9_Je ne sens pas la température d'eau_additional_informationArgument9_Vandtemperatur_additional_informationargument9_Ne čutim temperature vode_additional_infArgument9_Watertemperatuur_additional_informationargument9_"Ma nistax nara it-temperatura tal-ilma!"_additional_information

"Can’t judge the water temperature!"

"But I can’t wear gloves, ... 

... because I can’t judge the water temperature with them on!“



“Yes you can! With thin single-use gloves one can almost always feel differences in water temperature! Besides, I always ask my customer anyway, whether the water temperature is comfortable.”

Most single-use gloves are only about 0.1 mm thick. Therefore it is normally easy to judge the water temperature and minor temperature differences through this thin layer. But here also: the more one does it, the better they will be able to judge it!   

And when shampooing, it is normal anyway to ask the customer if the water temperature is comfortable – and to adjust it if need be.